A lot of people think you have to spend a whole lot of money to get into Bitcoin. This is not true. I have used 2 websites to give me $10 each a month in Bitcoin value. One is Fold on which I have 53,360 satoshis and the other Coinsquare which I have received 43,775 sats (see image). Getting 100,000 in satoshises might not seem like much, but hey it is $10 / month and if Bitcoin doubles in 1 year it is like another free golf game. Yes I am down here in California golfing. It costs me U$25 per game. I have a hard time paying that much to sink a white ball into a little hole.
Affiliate links works a lot like the click through links on the ads you see on this website (if you click on the ad and buy something I get paid --almost a dollar) except clicking on the link lets you know that I have tried out the service and thereby you should feel more comfortable trying it out also.
Come to think of it, I am not really happy with Coinsquare, even though they gave me $10; they took $100 in fees last month when I understood they wheren't going to charge me anything.